China, Russia, and Cuba get a seat on the UN Human Rights Council last Tuesday. But Saudi Arabia missed the UN Human Rights Council seat. Russia and Cuba are running unopposed, China and Saudi Arabia are running in the five ways contested race, at last china won the seats. In secret-ballot voting in the 193 member UN general assembly on that race, Pakistan received 169 votes, Uzbekistan 164, Nepal 150, China 139, and Saudi Arabia have scored just 90 votes.
Saudi Arabia announced reforms plans, Human Rights Council watch, and other countries strongly opposed. Middle East Nation continues to target the human rights defenders, women’s rights activities. Whitson said that Saudi Arabia undertakes reforms to release political prisoners and allows its citizen’s meaningful political participation.
Seats are allocated to regions to ensure geographical representation, under the Human Rights Council Rules. Except for Asia-Pacific contest the election of 15 members to 47-member Human Rights Council. Ivory Coast, Malawi, Gabon, and Senegal have won the four African seats. Russia and Ukraine won the two east European seats. Mexico, Cuba, and Bolivia won three open seats in the Latin America and Caribbean group. Britain and France won two seats. Human Rights Council has reminded the more competition in UN elections, where Saudi Arabia’s failure to win a seat.